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tv   [untitled]    September 25, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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max all suspicious roods lead to a toll booth so whether it's the toll booth operated by big agriculture the toll booth operated by big pharma or the finance industrial complex or the military industrial complex if you have a problem with their toll booth then basically you go to guantanamo and you have told both opening within told books to pay for the told would operate or for example and grace grace is now big tall both because the i.m.f. and the troika did a leveraged buyout they loaded up with debt now they own the country now it's a big cold with everyone living in greece obama would have died in the streets thank you i am so thank you chris you can go to thank you barack obama you are committing murder to many destinations the economic oppression it also called off thank you so much well the word of the day is banks the cocher see and that is that a piece of art here by the very suspicious billion pounds i seven as you see on the left that's a banking system gorging itself on
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a giant meal served by the government butler on the right is the people eating a bone and wearing very tattered clothing thanks to talk the banks took off this is let you know you go to the hospital and you get infected by a bank stock of virus comes into your trousers and works its way up through your of various organs and causes you to want to for some reason give benefit of the doubt to various banks doctors working around the world operating various corporations or organizations and global institutions that are in the business of hollowing to global economy for their own personal gain leaving him with nothing but austerity and who dream the american dream oh it's so beautiful oh if only i can get a good or after franchise by the bank stock like that caught the virus. well it's very important that one understands however that is only a select group of. people who actually are fed by the government butler you know in
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a way that they are not suspicious because here is a headline max where a woman confused herself for banks to lloyds anti-fraud boss who stole two point four million pounds told police she deserved cash for long hours a former head of online security at lloyds banking group has been jailed for five years after defrauding the company of almost two point five million pounds so her job was to fight fraud so it's very typical of course she was the committing fraud that's the standard thing the bank regulators in america are actually doing the opposite of reg heating the head of fraud anti-fraud is the one committing the fraud. shouldn't look. should leave the aerated that money money was being held hostage by the banks are cut off well her name is jessica harper and she wrote ninety three false and doctored invoices and she says i just saw the opportunity and i thought well maybe considering the hours i work in everything else i deserved
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it if i went to work at another bank i probably would be earning four times my salary she said the fraud took place during the financial crisis when lloyds itself was receiving substantial amounts of taxpayer money so again. this woman for some reason gets arrested and sent to five years in prison for doing the same exact thing that ironically or not her bank was receiving billions and billions of these taxpayer money out here to bail out for their own fraud it's a complete double standard is that but that's the way things get at the end of the organized top talker saying is that those who are actually doing something to benefit society as this woman is obviously doing to try to put lloyd's out of business and i see fantastically here in the city of london that thousands of caucus stock or c. bankers investment bankers will now be laid off this is fantastic this means that we are doing our job so that george osborne and david cameron i say that we're here
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we're on a mission to put the city of london completely out of business and so far the news is good all those people are being shipped out of the city they're being forced to get a real job shucking oysters down to cornwall and making course pasties for a living and that's the way it should be because they're just cock a stock of terrorists well actually as we covered a few weeks ago max they're all moving to wall street which is actually higher in lee's days and here is a headline relevant to that fed action may widen wealth gap one unintended consequence of another round of quantitative easing by the federal reserve is that it will likely widen the gap in the consumer sector between the recovered from recession and the still struggling so here they call it the consumer sector not society at large it's the consumer sector and quantitative easing to infinity is going to widen the gap between those who are recovered from recession they never
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went into recession in fact and the still struggling absolutely quantitative easing simply reinforces the economic paradigm which has taken over for a legitimate economy it's one where the top one percent of one. percent are constantly siphoning off cash for themselves and impoverishing the rest occupy wall street really needs to get more into its game they have not taken down a single bank which is a poor testament to how they've been performing so far you need some scalps buddy you need some scalps to claim as victories you need to take down one of these banks now the wall street journal says this wealth and income gap is going to widen because all the toxic mortgage backed securities that investors own is what is the fed is planning on buying forty billion dollars a month and that investors own this but it will penalize small savers and this is a net another topic that we cover which is therefore very suspicious because we cover the savers versus speculators the war going on in which the federal reserve
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bank and the central banks across the world are in fact enabling this heist all right well the central bank is committed to buy banks akaka and they're buying forty billion dollars a month the banks to cock up they could just as easily pay off people's mortgages in real time and the economy would recover but instead they're going to pay off the people who created the collateralized debt obligations based on the derivatives based on the entrance of the existence of a theoretical value of a mortgage instead of actually bailing out the mortgage owners this will have the effect of putting money into the pockets of the for authors of the banks the cock of virus that now rules the world and putting the people who actually have the homes about the gutter starving to death which is the point you could just as easily give the money directly to the people who would then have the solvency in place to stimulate the economy by buying stuff the so-called demand people say oh there's no demand there's no demand well if you could increase demand by getting rid of the fraudulent debt on the point at which it exists in the economy the toxic mortgages it makes no sense to bail out the toxic mortgage derivatives on the
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balance sheets of the banks in a theoretical attempt to increase demand that's false that's false economics that's false keynesianism that's false monetarism that's false milton friedman ism that's just begs to cock ism and it makes no. concoct a sense except if you're in the business of reintroducing male feudal times in the twenty first century which of course is the point which is a very smart people are george of course face it says neil feudalism if you look at it closely i will smile as to if you can see it suppose it. was zero zero zero zero your job or well that's a good point max is that in the united states obama was called a marxist marxist marxist when he pretended to do the fake we're going to help re modify mortgages when in fact this new federal reserve plan is buying up not the mortgage but the rehired prosecuted mortgage that's all fine like nobody seems to have a problem with that that's fine by wall street but that's very suspicious activity
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to me that's very suspicious why i want to brag that supposedly and business by a regular public aided mortgages but really profit caitiff from a banks to kaka and claim that there exists on a balance sheet for a hundred cents on the dollar well of course they have help don't pay the big accounting firms to k.p.n. j.s the pricewaterhouse coopers their end of the fraud the rain again to seize s. and p. and fitch they are and all of the fraud wall street banks city of banks they all our own. so the wall street journal follows up they conclude based on this piece about the fed accidentally widening the wealth and income gap they say quote this isn't a criticism of the fed just an acknowledgement that monetary policy benefits those who have skin in the financial markets and this is another important term used in the united states by those who have a voice on the mainstream media the rich guys who are able to go on the mainstream
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media they say we pay the most taxes not by percentage but by a large amount we have skin in the game those poor people the people you saw in the banks the congress e r. work by william bonzai seven well they don't benefit from monetary policy and the wall street journal is pretending it's just accidental it's not intentional that over and over since this financial crisis was caused by the banks. every single freaking time they win from the policy to save the system well that's actually a comment is wrong for two reasons number one thing a guy like mitt romney came forward and said oh my tax rate is actually fourteen or fifteen percent that's only unreported income adjusted for all income including non reported non disclosed income his tax rate is less than two percent fact number one fact number two there's a reason the people who are living on pensions after working hard their entire
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lives have got a tax rate of ninety per cent that's the equivalent of this financial repression of financial oppression of artificially low interest rates that means that all the people are pensions are tax rate of ninety percent meanwhile the bank serves on the folks on wall street carried interest to work on headphones have it just a tax rate of fifteen percent but it's only undisclosed income if you take into consideration all income including not disclosed income their tax rates are closer to less than two percent hello mitt romney and finally here max remember the banks tours had the government butler well guess what the poor in australia get their own government wealth manager australia seeks to manage the poor while making them poorer so this is from firedoglake in there noting that in australia they're introducing income management program for the poor which would dictate how the poor should spend their benefits and fifty to seventy percent of their benefits will be placed under state control and then they must spend this quarantined money
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government approved outlets that's the company store born of debt you can always buy might the company store jump down to interrupt the job. you know it's a slave remodel of course back to the plan. you know it's so it's such a glorious below top it's very suspicious that you even pointed that out max and it is super suspicious all right thank you stacey hebert thank you max say to you for the second half of the show we have a very suspicious guest for you frank braun in its first ever tell us your parents state.
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back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to frank braun and i to a security consultant and a libertarian big kid for bit coin that peer to peer cryptocurrency frank as part of a team launching shadow life dot c c he also gave a fantastic talk at the recent bitcoin twenty five conference here in london which
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is why i invited him on the kaiser report frybread welcome to the kaiser report thanks for having me all right frank first i'm sure the audience will want to know why the mass i think privacy is necessary for liberty and. privacy is not granted it needs to be taken therefore in times of extreme surveillance i think we need extreme countermeasures for example there are cameras everywhere and they can identify you personally and take all of you movements that's why i became a prize the extremists very mask in public. right so you're talking about extreme privacy as being necessary in a world that we live in now of extreme of extreme surveillance where you've got millions of cameras everywhere cameras now in people in institutions inside in schools you've got surveillance of people on the internet you've got incredible twenty four seventh's you made a comment on the conference frank maybe you can follow up on it but. somebody
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suggested are we headed towards something like east germany and the stasi and your comment was we're long past that it's got much worse can you talk a little bit yes i mean i think east germany they mainly depended on human intelligence to feel or people but no days we have all this technology makes it that much easier to basically trick everybody and then when you become a suspicion at some point they can look in the past and see what you did before and turk you don't so basically no notice everybody's a suspect until proven otherwise. right so people looking at you right now and seeing the mask they have the glasses they'll say that seems a bit extreme but the point is that there is something extremist going on right now and that's the extreme surveillance that people are being subjected to let's move on to your i libertarian and you support bit cooling now many of the kaiser report audience will consider themselves to be libertarian and yet they hate big point
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they'll say that only gold and silver are money why are they wrong to dismiss bitcoin frank bronze sink money servicing people agree on voluntarily to use of the method of accounting or media mix of exchange as a libertarian on very much in favor of gold and silver it's money but it lacks some critical properties which we need in everyday life things like to visibility into a very small amounts or the ability to transfer money over large distances. big. and maybe not the perfect system but it can be used very well as a replacement for fear of money and very nice properties thinks like there is no inflation in bitcoin there is no central authority issuing bitcoin ok that's fair enough i mean the comparisons are are excellent to be made with gold and silver they have a lot of many of the same attributes but as a medium of exchange right now there is something i think you could call the
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encrypted public domain that big supports and expands and now you've got a whole group of people around the world serving that encrypted public domain frank broad tell us a little bit about the counter economy what is it how big is it what is it going got to do with it well the counter economy is the global black market and it has a size of ten trillion us dollars and when you combine all black markets in the boat together it makes it the second largest economy in the world only second to the united states and. the county economy is growing very fast especially in developed countries and these countries in developing countries in these countries . it's going faster than the growth of the most domestic product and even more increasing regulation we need to the traditional banking system a big conference very well into the nice. right so this counter economy or or black market economy is now over ten trillion dollars of size second only to the u.s.
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government but growing unlike the u.s. economy is actually stagnating the only economy that's actually growing in the world today is this counter economy in a black market and bitcoin is definitely feeding into that and allowing that to grow so it's really a growth story is unlike other economies around the world that are in decline and now another thing you mentioned that your talk about going twenty two a friend brought was the over the counter ot c. market for bit for those who don't know explain what this o.t.c. market is with bitcoin in o.t.c. exchange with bitcoin is to people meeting face to face exchanging bitcoin for cash or gold with super coins right and i appen to have an example of that i have this big coin which is actually a hologram that's attached to a piece of metal to give it portability but it's a whole gamut inside the whole ram is the actual encrypted code that would allow me to go online and on lock the bitcoin which has
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a current exchange rate value with the american dollar of roughly twelve to one so this has roughly twelve dollars worth of a big coin on this particular point but this is needed frank right to give a back up system if in fact the internet were to go down or the various control mechanisms were to come into the internet this over the counter market or physical market give the users a bit coy a way to in the physical space keep the currency alive correct yeah i think the even more important thing to consider if the bitcoin when it becomes very successful threatens the state because the state depends on fear of money to create money of or to fin there and find its operations and its threat and so traditional banking system so these two play a very big player with very. large social interests who try to take bitcoin and we need something to protect. the bitcoin economy from these attacks and the only way i see to do that is the over the over the counter exchange market right and you
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talk about the state of course these days of talking about the state with corporations in this global fascist model that has emerged but how important is the actual internet structure itself to the success of bitcoin many viewers ask this kind of a follow up to this over the counter market because the internet itself of course is come under tremendous pressure from the fascist corporate government. state slash fascist corporate government controls how important is that right i mean the free of the internet the better for bit cohen is to try to limit your freedoms on the internet then not only limiting freedom for bitcoin and so forth all the other sort of but still if they would do that there are still other methods to use bitcoin and you could run bitcoin over mesh now for example or we could even one bitcoin over snick and that means people exchanging u.s.b. sticks by a foot so it's very hard to close it down completely especially without closing
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down the entire internet all right let's talk about critical mass for a second because for going to really take off you're going to need a certain critical mass you need a certain number of users that are on the system using the this currency exchange this encrypted currency exchange and it's all that happens it's going to be not the threat to the fascist state corporate monopolist that we hope it will be but i'm thinking back to the egyptian revolution i'm curious what you think about this going back to the egyptian revolution the arab spring it was for men thing or for man saying in cairo for months and months but the arrogance of the leadership of a barack i believe that their arrogance prevented them from seeing what a facebook or social networking could do that no way could some online software package threaten the state. and yet what is certain critical threshold was met that's exactly what happened are we saying maybe
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a curiously thing about this the ultimate friend to the bitcoin revolution would be the arrogance of the entrenched corporate banking kleptocracy your thoughts well i think you're right that they have a certain arrogance and they move very slowly but they also have a lot of poll means once they realize the potential of bitcoin to destroy the profits and to weaken their position impose their will to take it all with all what they got so i assume mention with there was a revolution in egypt you have this critical mass at some point where it's very hard to shock because i don't but before that point is supported by the state and the corporations we're live with the threat of bitcoin and we have to make sure that we get through this period between these two points and the only way to do that a thing is to have a flourishing over the counter exchange economy for bitcoin so we don't depend on
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the traditional banking system all right so this is then going to be a combination of both the age of all social networking phenomenon as well as just people meeting up in physical space to make sure this market remains robust now clearly frank ron the surveillance state is here hence your face mask but what about the security of any online transaction going forward including big calling so i guess this is kind of a follow up question to what we've been talking about in terms of what can people do a few techniques for mention that big calling twenty twelve but what are some of the basic things people should be considering now that we've entered this permanent police state surveillance state you have two areas and which you have to improve the first one is digital security and second one is trade for digital security means everything like you should in truth to e-mail you shouldn't. your heart she should learn how to use internet anonymize us that's why you are we starting this
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show last o.t.c. project to teach people how to do that because many people don't know ho ho they would actually go about that and the second area is straight trough is this all skills which try out through experience and to be clear on this time trade for example over the counter exchange ok finally let me ask you get your thoughts on something that's been in the news and right at the heart of how big coin is on the bleeding edge of the revolution against the fastest out there we have a situation where joining us on wiki leaks he was shut down from all the pay processing services from the visa master card pay pal where into the vacuum step. big point big going allowed some funds to flow to julius on who is obviously the standard bearer for journalism in the world today is this we see the application of bitcoin and is
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a best gate of journalism potentially one of the greatest uses a bit going going forward especially in conflict zones where moving money around would be completely difficult for any number of reasons or thought yeah i agree totally that this is a very nice property of bitcoin that you cannot have charged as a system so the state cannot. you know prevent journalists like julian sunshine receiving money but it's also very important for for online businesses because when you don't have charge backs you don't have the risk that somebody received the goods and then. charge the money back and you have the merchant you just sit there with a loss frank braun right out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thanks so much for having me was a pleasure and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i want to thank my guest frank braun who is working on shadow life a dot cdc if you want to give me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report at r t t v
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